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Passion for the Gospel
Compassion for the World


Bexley Uniting Church

Affiliated with the assembly of Confessing Congregations within the Uniting Church


Join us in worshipping God with our whole lives.

Sunday service:  9:30am, 29 Gladstone Street, Bexley.

Bexley Uniting Church is an “evangelical” church — we uphold the authority of the Bible and the truths of Christian morality.  

We welcome new-comers.  

We work on developing a deeper sense of community; we are Aussie Christians made up of many different nationalities including Singaporean, Malaysian, Chinese, Korean, Peruvian, Fijian, Tongan, Greek, Egyptian, as well as many from Caucasian backgrounds — all one in Christ Jesus.  We emphasise development of individuals gifts, and we encourage participation in worship as we seek to further develop contemporary worship styles.

Please feel very welcome to join us for adoration, praise, prayer, singing and preaching, and fellowship over a cuppa.